Hello :)
I'm Inês, I've previoulsly worked as an au-pair in Belgium and still keep contact with the family. I also worked for this familly during a few summers after that. I used to take care of a 5 year old girl, take care of the pets, do some household chores like ironning, grocery shopping, change sheets, make the beds, open curtains, make dinner, prepare breakfast, and I was also studying dutch. I was also travelling with the familly. Besides that I also took care of babies between the ages of 6 months-3 year old, children from friends of my mother. I also took care of a girl within my family since she was 2 until she was 13.
Besides that I also worked as a side job doing the household management of a vacation rental appartment.
Because this were good experiences, I'd like to do it again. I can also provide reccomendation letters.
I like to follow the Montessori principals, but if the parents prefer it otherwise, I can follow allong their guidance.
Depending on the age, I like to include the children on the daily day activities, to promote independence and because they many times see it as a game. I also like to play ludic games with them.
I'm looking for a place with accomodation, but later on if the family prefers I can find a place for myself.
I'm also interested in improving my german and french.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards,
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