I am 26 years old, I am Technical / Auxiliary of Child Support, I work with children under 4 months old until 4 years in Portugal, soon I am cambridge cambridge with my family and I want to continue working with children, I do everything to make your development the best based on activities appropriate for your age. I love what I do, and after being a mother I love it even more.
I have a problem, my English is the base, I'm studying English at the moment, but it's being difficult. I want to be with people who speak 24 hours in 24 hours in order to learn well.
If it were not for the help of google, I would not be in touch so fast with you. Any questions please contact me.
Incidentele babysit | $8,50 per uur |
Deeltijdse / naschoolse opvang | $5,00 per uur |
Nanny aan huis | $7,50 per uur |
Geregistreerde kinderopvang | $3,20 per uur |
Dalia kan u op verzoek contactgegevens van voormalige werkgevers die haar aanraden verschaffen.
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Incidentele babysit | $8,50 per uur |
Deeltijdse / naschoolse opvang | $5,00 per uur |
Nanny aan huis | $7,50 per uur |
Geregistreerde kinderopvang | $3,20 per uur |